Making Sure Your Pay is Accurate
The implementation of the Administrative Information Management System (AIMS) occurred October 23, 2022, with employees being provided access to their schedules on October 26, 2022 and October 27, 2022, with communications being shared with employees as to the day when their information is available.
It is important for all employees to log in to MyConnection to check their schedule to ensure that the time reflected is accurate. Once you have logged in, please validate your time back to October 23, 2022, as this is the start date for the pay period.
Log in to MyConnection and search the following Knowledgebase Articles to walk through the steps to complete this process:
- See Knowledgebase Article KB0011871 for information on verifying time worked and requesting premiums, “Verifying Time Worked.”
- See Knowledgebase Article KB0012348 for information for Manager’s on “Verifying Time Worked and Premiums for the Manager or Delegate.”
- For any scheduling issue that may have occurred prior to the implementation of AIMS, the correction would need to be submitted through a case in MyConnection.
- MyConnection > MyServices > Human Resources > Scheduling & Timekeeping > Scheduling Portal
Please note: On your first visit to MyConnection after the implementation of AIMS, you will be required to change your password. You will have received an email indicating your username and have been provided instruction on how to complete this process. If you did not receive an email, please contact MyConnection at 1-833-766-4390 to request a new link.
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